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Join the CAAA action team



  • Join our team - There are a number of opportunities going forward that you could be involved in on a regular basis

  • Write to - your local MP and ask their help to release hostages

  • Spread truth - not social media ‘truth’ but truth - educate yourself from reliable sources

  • Buy from Jewish businesses



Please fill in the form below to tell us where you would like to volunteer

Christian action against antisemtism synagogue volunteer team
reach out to the Jewish community

Reach out to your local Jewish community


  • Letters - of support and solidarity. The link below has a letter we send, please feel free to use

  • Pastors - send letters from your church

  • Give - directly to relief on the ground

encourage your kids to draw pictures of love and support to Israel



  • Write letters os support and solidarity to the Jewish Community and Israel

  • Download the pictures below to Colour in and send to synagogues, individuals in Israel and Jewish colleagues.


Send us video messages from your congregation, with your signs of love, support and solidarity with the Jewish Community

How can your church bless Israel and the Jewish people?


  • Praying for peace

  • IDF - wisdom

  • Families of those murdered

  • Hostages

  • Innocent Gazans caught in Hamas' terror

  •  Changed hearts

  • Jewish community

  • Peace of Jerusalem

Join us

Thanks! We'll be in touch!

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